Saturday, August 31, 2019

The Largest Earthquake in the World

The largest earthquake in the world had a magnitude of 9. 5 and took place in Chile. The Valdivia Earthquake, also know as the Great Chilean Earthquake, happened on Sunday, May 22, 1960. It is the largest earthquake currently on record. It occured in the afternoon and the resulting tsunami affected southern Chile, Hawaii, Japan, the Philippines, eastern New Zealand, southeast Australia, and the Aleutian Islands in Alaska. The epicenter of the Valdivia earthquake was near Lumaco, a coastal city with a population of roughly 11,405.Various estimates of the total number of fatalities from the earthquake and tsunamis have been published, with the USGS citing studies with figures of 2,231; 3,000; or 5,700 killed, and another source uses an estimate of 6,000 dead. An estimated cost of 2. 9 to 5. 8 billion in damage. The 1960 Valdivia earthquake was actually just a series of many strong earthquakes from May 21 to June 6,1960. The first was the Concepcion earthquake and the strongest was the Valdivia earthquake. The first Concepcion earthquake was on May 21,1960.Its epicenter was near Curanilahue. The second and third Concepcion earthquakes occurred a few hours apart from each other on May 22. The Valdivia earthquake occurred on May 22. This earthquake affected all of Chile between Talca and Chiloe Island, more than 150,000 sq mi. Most coastal villages disappeared. At Corral, the main port of Valdivia, the water level rose 13 ft before it began to recede. A wave of 26 ft struck the Chilean coast, mainly between Concepcion and Chiloe. Ten minutes later another wave measuring 33 ft was reported.Hundreds of people were already reported dead by the time the tsunami struck. One ship, Canelos, starting at the mouth of Valdivia River sank after being moved 0. 93 mi backward and forward in the river; its mast is still visible today. A number of Spanish-colonial forts were completely destroyed. Soil subsidence also destroyed buildings, deepened local rivers, and created wetlands in places like the Rio Cruces and Chorocomayo, a new aquatic park north of the city. Extensive areas of the city were flooded.The electricity and water systems of Valdivia were totally destroyed. Witnesses reported underground water flowing up through the soil. Despite the heavy rains of May 21, the city was without a water supply. The river turned brown with sediment from landslides and was full of floating debris, including entire houses. The earthquake did not strike all the territory with the same strength. The two most affected areas were Valdivia and Puerto Octay near the northwest corner Llanquihue Lake.East of Puerto Octay in a hotel in Todos los Santos Lake piles of plates were reported to have remained in place. Two days after the earthquake a volcanic vent erupted. Other volcanoes may also have erupted, but none were recorded due to the lack of communication in Chile at the time. The relatively low death toll in Chile, estimated at 6,000, is explained in part by the low population density and by buildings being built taking into account that the region has many earthquakes and volcano eruptions.Other possible reasons include a high number of wooden houses and that coastal towns also tended to be located on higher ground. After the eruption, began the landslides. The earthquake triggered many landslides, mostly near the Andes. These landslides did not cause many fatalities nor significant economical losses because most of the areas were uninhabited with only minor roads. One landslide did cause destruction and alarm following its blockage of the outflow of Rinihue Lake.About 100 km south of Rinihue Lake, landslides in the mountains around Golgol River caused this river to dam up and then burst creating a flood down to Puyehue Lake. The Valdivia earthquake led to the formation of the ONEMI. ONEMI is the Spanish acronym for National Emergency and Information Office. ONEMI helps solve problems after earthquakes, large or small. The Valvidia earthquake was also referenced in two fictional novels, and the tsunami following the earthquake was referenced in a Hawaii Five-O episode titled â€Å"Forty Feet High and it Kills! â€Å".

Friday, August 30, 2019

Class Conflict in Pakistan Society Essay

Conflict theorie Conflict theories are perspectives in social science that emphasize the social, political, or material inequality of a social group, that critique the broad socio-political system, or that otherwise detract from structural functionalism and ideological conservativism. Conflict theories draw attention to power differentials, such as class conflict, and generally contrast historically dominant ideologies. It is therefore a macro level analysis of society. Karl Marx is the father of the social conflict theory, which is a component of the 4 paradigms of sociology. Certain conflict theories set out to highlight the ideological aspects inherent in traditional thought. Whilst many of these perspectives hold parallels, conflict theory does not refer to a unified school of thought, and should not be confused with, for instance, peace and conflict studies, or any other specific theory of social conflic Elite Class Def:- A group or class of persons or a member of such a group or class, enjoying superior intellectual, social, or economic status:- First, The fact is that the term and concept, ‘elite’, is misrepresented and misunderstood in this country. Intriguingly, those who are part of the elite themselves carry out most of the anti-elite commentary. In fact, castigating the elite at popular forums is a way to gain legitimacy that could lead to acquisition of greater power. While there is no doubt about the fact that Pakistan’s elite is irresponsible towards itself and the people, it was more interesting to see the gentleman refer to Asif Ali Zardari and Maulana Fazlur Rehman, Nawaz Shrif as part of the elite. Second, ‘elite’ is not a static concept but is forever evolving. What constituted elite yesterday may not be the same today or even tomorrow. Historically and popularly, the elite referred to the landed-feudal group because this was the dominant group in an agrarian economy like Pakistan’s. Later, as mentioned earlier, other groups were formed. The evolutionary process also meant that newer elite groups emerged almost every decade due to state patronage that replaced the traditional elite and the older ones merged into the newer formations. Third, the elite are not just a group, but also the name of a process that facilitates a constant cycle of change in a society. In case of a powerful, yet easily manipulated state like Pakistan, the process of elite formation is directly linked with the ability of a group to manipulate the state, its power and resources. This means that what may be the middle class or lower middle class of yesterday can be the elite of today. For instance, who could imagine a few decades ago that one day, people belonging to lower middle or middle class backgrounds, like Altaf Hussain, Qaim Ali Shah, Malik Riaz, Humayun Akhtar, Ijazul Haq, or Arsalan Iftikhar will be powerful millionaires and part of the elite. Middle class The middle class is a class of people in the middle of a societal hierarchy. In Weberian socio-economic terms, the middle class is the broad group of people in contemporary society who fall socio-economically between the working class and upper class. The common measures of what constitutes middle class vary significantly among cultures. As Dr Nayab postulates, to answer that question one first has to define what one means by middle class. She starts off by looking at standard economic definitions of what constitutes the middle class and applies a range of these definitions to the data to see how Pakistan fares. She uses 15 formulae, ranging from the definition of the middle class as those with 75 to 125% of the median income, to expenditure from $2 to $20 per person per day, to double the poverty line. Her results differ widely, ranging from a finding that there is no middle class in Pakistan, to the finding that 60% of the population can be defined as middle class. This composite index yields results that seem more intuitive. Dr Nayab found that in 2007/08, 41.9% of the population of Pakistan belonged to the â€Å"lower-lower class† or to be more blunt, the poor. This proportion rose to 55% when only rural areas were considered. Aspirants to â€Å"middle-classism† constituted 23% of the population, while â€Å"climbers† who are likely to get there constituted another 15% or so. The â€Å"hard-core† middle class remained small at 4.3% of the population. But Dr Nayab’s multiple classification of middle class makes more sense sociologically, as it seems more realistic to think of the middle class itself as a series of â€Å"layers.† lower class Working class (or lower class, labouring class, sometimes proletariat) is a term used in thesocial sciences and in ordinary conversation to describe those employed in lower tier jobs (as measured by skill, education and lower incomes), often extending to those in unemployment or otherwise possessing below-average incomes. Working classes are mainly found in industrializedeconomies and in urban areas of non-industrialized economies. Injustic Injustice is, the idea of not giving each person his or her fair due as a matter of right. Commonly Found Social Injustices †¢ A few commonly found social injustices in our society are: – 1. Unequal distribution of resources 2. Restricted access of common people to the quality education 3. Monopoly of rich class in the political system of the country 4. Lack of basic health facilities to poor5. Non availability of necessary commodities to major portion of the population Place of Women in Society/Gender Violence. With the erosion of social values, the place of women in our society has also been lost sight of. It is most regrettable that gender violence is a common norm of our social culture; more so in backward and less educated segments of our society. Marriage System. Owing to lack of education and following outdated traditions, the system of marriage in Pakistan is being run on the primitive terms of ignorance. Place of women in society makes her rather a scape-goat for any matrimonial affair. She does not have any liberty to make decisions for her life partner less to decide about others. Violation of Human Rights. Pakistan’s record of human rights does not make her qualify to stand high in the comity of civilized nations. Due to lack of education, poor social system and backwardness, violation of human rights is a common norm in Pakistan. And the worst affected of this are the women, children and the poor masses. Class Division of Society. Pakistani society is highly polarized and divided into various castes, classes, religious affinities and political affiliation. This makes it highly vulnerable to be exploited by the elements working against Pakistan. Intolerant Society. We are an intolerant society. This intolerance manifests itself in our social, religious and political activities. Our relationships are characterized by unthinking support. There is little sense of accommodation for rivals or competitors or those who belong to another sect, region or ethnic group, political crisis The political crisis in Pakistan threatens to trigger yet another period of instability in the country. The three-way power struggle between the military, the government and the courts once again exposes the weaknesses of the country’s democratic institutions, say German commentators. The political drama playing out in Pakistan this week took another twist Tuesday when the country’s high court ordered the arrest of Pakistani Prime Minister Raja Pervez Ashraf on suspicions of corruption and nepotism. The suspicions have followed Ashraf for years, but the timing of the announcement now threatens to light a match on the country’s smoldering political crisis. Since Sunday self proclaimed revolutionary leader Muhammad Tahir-ul-Qadri has been leading a protest march calling for the ouster of Pakistani President Asif Ali Zadari. Qadri, a moderate clergyman who has denounced corruption among the political class, has seen a meteoric rise to popularity over the last months. On Tuesday, hundreds of thousands of demonstrators joined his protest and packed Islamabad’s streets. The court’s announcement came in the middle of Qadri’s speech on Tuesday and the crowd broke out in cheers at the news. On Wednesday, Qadri once again called for the end of the government. â€Å"If these thieves hadn’t ruled Pakistan, today every child in the country would have a smile on their face,† he shouted to his followers. Meanwhile the country’s normally meddlesome military has been strangely silent in the midst of chaos. That silence has led some observers to believe that the country’s generals are behind Qadri’s campaign. The turmoil comes just weeks before Pakistan’s government was set to complete its five year term, a milestone in a country that normally experiences volatile shifts of power. At the same time violence has been growing with extremists attacking the government and religious minorities.. THE PLANETARY CHALLENGE If an alternative future for Pakistan is not created, the pendulum will continue with collapse always being in the background. Moreover, in the world we now live in, a weakness or pathology in any part of the planetary system threatens us all. Pakistan’s futures are part of the planet’s futures – we all need to transform. Great Game. Pakistan remains a pawn, moved around for the strategic and ideological purposes of the great powers. Whether in proxy wars against the Russians or against 9/11 jihadis or whoever may be next, Pakistan’s capacity to influence its future is low or non-existent. At best, it can only rent out its military, or territory, for others’ battles. In this future (as in the current present), the rental receipts do not lead to even development –they merely enrich those getting the rent, generally the military. The national game becomes not how to transform the great game but how to get a piece of the action, legitimately or illegitimately. Those not part of the money game sing songs of grand conspiracies. These songs take away agency. While Pakistan has a dependency relationship with the rest of the world, citizens have a dependency – child/adult – relationship with the government, expecting it to solve each and every problem, without taking responsibility for their own actions and blaming the government when it fails. At the collective level, Pakistan remains rudderless, evoking the words of the founder, but unable to follow through with action. Economic Injustice A few weeks ago the news was published that the Punjabgovernment had allotted 4,000 yards (or more) for Rs1,000 per person to armygenerals, including Gen Pervez Musharraf. The given argument was that they got cheap land because the area was not developed. The history of this country reveals that undeveloped areas get developed quickly where generals and army officials get land. Are army personnel the only bureaucrats serving this country? What about other people who are working in civil bureaucratic institutions and private organizations? Do they also get so many benefits as do the army personnel?Economic Progress, Stability are key to Pakistan’s future Army interfering in Pakistani politics Many political parties claim that they do not want army to interfere in political issues and that army should be on borders doing its job. Recently there was a long march started by the lawyers and some political parties for the restoration of the deposed Chief justice. the protest became violent when the protesters started beating policemen. Later that night General Ashfaq pervaiz kiyani talked to Prime minister Yousuf raza gilani and asked him to restore the deposed chief justice immediately. After which the prime minister yousuf raza gilani took the decision to restore the deposed cheif justice in front of the people of Pakistan. The decision was welcomed by parties like plmn and pti.All these parties which in past claimed that army should not interfere in politics did not even said a word against General Kiyani pressurizing an elected prime minister instead they welcomed the decision. Source:

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Nurses Knowledge and Attitude Regarding Essay

A significant number of patients continue to experience unrelieved pain during hospitalization despite decades of research, improved therapeutic measures and advancement in technology. Delays in recovery, decreased patient satisfaction, decreased quality of life and increased healthcare costs are some consequences related to poor pain management. Limitation in nurses’ knowledge about pain assessment and management contributes to poor pain management in hospitalized patients. Literature suggests concerns about addiction and respiratory depression as a likely cause of under treatment of pain (Lewthwaite, 2011). A study conducted to explore nursing opinions about pain revealed a tendency for personal opinion to influence the choice of opioid dose (Lewthwaite, 2011). The purpose of this study was to better understand the registered nurses’ level of knowledge of and attitudes toward pain management. Where do nurses receive and update their knowledge about pain management? A 2007 survey of Canadian university undergraduate programs showed pain education virtually nonexistent in the curricula of health care professional faculties (Watt-Watson, McGillion, & Hunter, 2007). Providing adequate pain management depends on the level of knowledge of, skills, and attitudes of nurses. To address learning needs effectively, and prior to planning educational opportunities, it is essential to identify these knowledge gaps. Education alone may be insufficient to change practice, given limited improvement in pain management over the last three decades. Some suggest changing the entire culture within any given organization to one that designates and empowers nurses in areas of assessment and management of patients’ pain experiences , thereby giving the nurse greater influence over these areas (Lewthwaite et al., 2011). Strong nursing leadership and support from clinical nurse specialists, educators, and administrators is needed to introduce and sustain practice changes. Methods Design and Sample This descriptive quantitative study was conducted in an urban tertiary care hospital in Midwestern Canada. A convenience sample included 761 full and part-time registered nurses who administer analgesia as part of their practice. Clinical units included surgery, woman and child, cardiac sciences, medicine, family medicine, geriatric-rehabilitation, emergency, mental health, and the hospital float pool (Lewthwaite et al., 2011). A self-administered one-page data survey was created for the study, which collected demographical information as well as years of experience and pain knowledge. The survey included the Ferrell and McCaffery (2008) Knowledge and Attitudes Survey Regarding Pain (KASRP) tool. The original KASRP tool would be thought of as too long to complete during working hours, so a revised survey using only the 22 true and false question on the KASRP tool was used (Lewthwaite et al., 2011). The KASRP tool, developed in 1987 and revised in 2008, is used extensively as a pre and posttest evaluation measure for educational programs to assess nurses and other healthcare professionals. The content was reviewed and validated by pain experts, and content information was established through current pain management standards derived from organizations including the World Health Organization, American Pain Society, and the Agency for Health Care Policy and Research. Construct validity was established by comparing scores of nurses at various levels of expertise from students, to senior pain experts (Ferrell & McCaffery, 2008). Procedures An alpha level of 0.05 would determine statistical significance. Construct validity was evaluated by comparing nurses scores with varying levels of expertise, from students to senior nurses and pain experts. Test-retest reliability was established (r > 0.80) and internal consistency was shown, with a coefficient alpha of 0.85 (Lewthwaite et al., 2011). Results Out of 761 nurses, 324 participated and returned the surveys, for a response rate of 43%. Years of experience ranged from 24% with more than 25 years of professional experience to 22% with five years or less of professional experience. The majority of nurses’ reported working in surgery, woman and child, and cardiac sciences. Almost half of the participants (48.8%) scored 80% or higher and 66% of the nurses rated their knowledge of pain management as good. Questions relating to pharmacology, in particular those involving knowledge of opioids, scored the lowest. As with similar studies on this subject, this study found knowledge gaps among acute care nurses. The findings of this study can be used to design continuing educational opportunities in the work place that include pharmacology information to meet specific needs in the workplace. The results also provide a benchmark to evaluate the effectiveness of enhancing pain education in the classroom setting. Ethical Considerations Ethics approval was obtained from the study hospital research review committee, and a university research ethics board. The list of potential participants was obtained from the human resources department. Hospital volunteers delivered the study packets to unit-based staff mailboxes. The package included a letter of invite to participate, the survey questionnaire, and a self-addressed return envelope. Participation was voluntary, and completion and return of the questionnaire indicated such. In this self-reporting study, participants may have taken the opportunity to discuss questions or seek answers from other sources, as well as answer questions in a professionally or socially desirable fashion. Conclusion The battle to achieve effective pain management despite years of research and efforts by all involved continues to be a challenge. Previous nursing studies, along with this study, cite a knowledge gap amongst nurses as one reason for poor pain management and identify areas such as pharmacology, where nurses in particular lack knowledge. Continuing education opportunities are essential to achieve improved pain management skills. Education alone will not improve pain management; optimal quality care is dependent not only on a culture of learning but also on a cohesive professional team with inter-professional collaboration to ensure effective, individualized pain management. References Ferrell, B., & McCaffery, M. (2008). Knowledge and attitude survey regarding pain. Retrieved December 12, 2012 from Lewthwaite,B.J., Jabusch, K.M., Wheeler, B.J., Schnell-Hoehn, K.N., Mills, J., Estrella-Holder, E., & Fedorowicz, A.(2011). Nurses’ knowledge and attitudes regarding pain management in hospitalized adults. Journal of Continuing Education in Nursing, 42(6), 251-7. Retrieved December 12, 2012 from Watt-Watson, J., McGillion, M., & Hunter, J. (2007). A survey of pain curricula in pre-licensure health sciences facilities in Canadian Universities. Retrieved December 12, 2012 from,%20Pulsus%20Group%20Inc&HCtype=Physician.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

The Effects of Microburst on Small Aircraft Research Paper

The Effects of Microburst on Small Aircraft - Research Paper Example In extreme dry conditions when moist convection is just barely possible, cumulus clouds with very high bases form above the surface; below this high-based cloud layer there is a deep, dry adiabatic layer of microburst. In extreme wet conditions a deep, nearly saturated layer with a nearly moist pseudoadiabatic lapse rate forms that is topped by an elevated dry layer which is a cause of microburst. In case of dry microburst the rain falls below the cloud base mixes with dry air from where it begins to evaporate and this evaporation process cools the air. The cool air descends and accelerates as it approaches the ground from where it spreads in all directions and the divergence of wind is the sign of a microburst. The wet microburst is accompanied by heavy rainfall at the surface which are warmer then the environment. This downburst pushes the downward acceleration of parcels that cause negative buoyancy which tends to drive dry microburst. Wind shear is the difference in wind speed and direction over a short distance in the atmosphere. The extent and suddenness of a microburst accompanied with low-level wind shears are a cause of many fatal aircraft crashes; particularly they affect in landing and take-off phases. The microburst is recorded to last no more then 15 minutes from the time they strike on the ground. During the first 5 minutes the horizontal wind continues to rise with maximum intensity lasting 2-4 minutes Sometimes microburst are concentrated into a line structure, and under these conditions, activity may continue for as long as an hour. Once microburst activity starts, multiple microbursts in the same general area are not uncommon and should be expected. Hazards to flight The strong, concentrated winds along with rainfall and thunderstorms have caused fatal aircraft accidents. (Downbursts, Fujita, 1985). As the aircraft enters in the way of microburst, it encounters an increased head wind. This head wind lifts the aircraft, the pilots reacts to correct the aircraft approach angle by reducing engine power. The aircraft then passes into the vertically descending microburst core which results in a loss of lift and altitude. Immediately the aircraft crosses into a region of tail winds (the wind which blows in the direction of the object), which reduces the relative airspeed of the aircraft and further decreases lift, causing the aircraft to lose more altitude. Because the aircraft is now flying on reduced power, it is vulnerable to sudden losses of airspeed and altitude. The microburst is often of right scale and intensity to crash an aircraft which is evident by a number of accidents associated with microburst over about a decade. The crew and passengers all become victims to the crash and give their lives. There are a large number of human losses especially if microburst attacks at the time of take-off and landing. Predicting Microburst Microburst has always been a challenge for safety issues regarding the aircraft and small business jets. Its prediction, detection and avoidance are an issue of big concern for aviation authority. The pilots are unable to maintain the balance of strong winds and historically this has plagued the entire civil aircraft types including large commercial transports, regional airliners, business jets, and small personal-owner general

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Change Management Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Change Management - Assignment Example Make sure that there is active support for the change from the senior executive level within the business or organization, and engaging these sponsorships to the plans in order to achieve the desired results. Change in management comes with tension in the operation before the team adapts to the new system. The manager should gather information from both internal and external and analyze the weak points and make a quick solution to the problem. When a manager focuses on both internal and external initiatives, the company increases the chance of success. Ethics involves the individual’s moral judgment about the wrong and the right. Most of the decisions made in an organization are either made by individuals or groups who are guided or influenced by the culture of the company. The decision made by the manager to behave ethically is a moral one and therefore the employee or the managers should decide what they think is the right course of action. Ethical behavior is an integral part of everything that all the companies or organization should apply alongside good corporate governance. The manager should treat all the stakeholders in a fairly as this is an essential part of the company’s success. The manager can achieve this by creating a managed corporate and social responsibility program to the best interest of all the stakeholders. That is; the manager should focus on the employees, suppliers, customers and other partners who work together with the company. The manager can increase the ethical practices within the organization by ensuring that all  staff members  understand the company’s corporate values and principles of the business.

Visual analysis of The Merode Altarpiece Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Visual analysis of The Merode Altarpiece - Essay Example The Merode Altarpiece is a painting by Renaissance artist Robert Campin whose creation time is around 1427 to 1432. The painting was created in Tournai in the Netherlands, which is the artist’s place of origin but it is currently on display at the Metropolitan Museum in the United States (The Metropolitan Museum of Art). The painting is divided into three panels; the main panel shows the moment just before the annunciation of Mary. She is sitting on the floor reading a bible and is looking down. To her left is an angel she is not aware of, with an oval table separating them. A small figure of Jesus is flying towards Mary holding a crucifix. The right panel has Saint Joseph in a carpentry workshop where he is making mousetraps with a townscape appearing behind him in an open window. The right panel has two figures, assumingly the commissioners of the painting, called the donors waiting to go inside an open door (Barnet, Peter, & Nancy 125). This painting also goes by the name à ¢â‚¬Å"The Annunciation†, which is an event in the Christian Holy Bible in which a virgin by the name of Mary receives the news of her appointment to be the earthly mother of God’s son, Jesus.An angel from heaven visits her while she is at home and gives her the good news. The name itself also hints one on the purpose of the painting: Christian believers or cathedrals for devotional and aesthetic purposes commissioned altarpieces. It is therefore a religious artwork. The artist captures the human figures and specifically their faces with their expressions on, making the artwork more of a combination of portraits to make a composition. However, there are outdoor scenes appearing from the openings and windows in the backgrounds depicting cityscapes. The work therefore combines both landscape and portraiture although the portraiture aspect seems to dominate more. According to the Metropolitan Museum, The Merode Altarpiece measures 64.5 cm in length by 117.8 cm as an overall painting with a main panel of dimensions 64.1cm by 63.2 cm, and two identical side panels measuring 64.5cm by 27.3cm each. The width of the painting is slightly below two times the height therefore creating a rectangular (landscape) orientation of the work. The artist employs much use of rectangles, squares, and straight lines in vertical or horizontal movements that harmoniously blend in with the shape of the frame. For instance, in the middle panel where the figures are in a room and the wall and ceiling lines originate from the background and come to meet the frame, creating a view as if one is peering through a window or the wall is missing (Nici 243). The frames merge with most of the shapes rather than disagree with or break them. The Merode Altarpiece is oil on Oakwood. The style of creating workspace and framing is popular as panel art. Panel art is a technique of creating frames in the renaissance period where artists had carpenters make them wooden panels covered with clo th and plastered with gesso paste to create a smooth painting surface (D’Elia 19). The work is done in oil paints, which is another preference of most renaissance artists. During the renaissance period, the use of tempera colors was becoming unpopular as artists discovered that oil

Monday, August 26, 2019

The weakness of using Fackbook and Twitter for consumer engagement Essay

The weakness of using Fackbook and Twitter for consumer engagement with the firm - Essay Example The other extra duties of this individual or individuals include monitoring as well as responding to questions and comments robbing marketing department off necessary hands on personnel in keeping the company afloat (Hu, 2011). This is especially a problem for small companies or start-ups with limited resources. In this sense, social media presents a weakness in increasing a firm’s running overheads without necessary guarantee for increased revenue. Facebook and Twitter may pose a weakness in a firm’s engagement with its customers due to having a wrong strategy for online branding (Kuzgun, 2013). This could put the firm at a viral social disadvantage and could even end up damaging the firm’s reputation. Few people will most probably notice mistakes made offline, but when the mistakes regarding a firm’s portrayal are made online, they are immediately noted by many and spread over the net. This is aggravated by the fact that bad news or negativity on Facebook and Twitter trends faster than good news for gossip is considered juicy while normal news is boring. The online interactive media like any other Information Technology field is highly prone to threats of hacking or malicious compromise of content (Thomases, 2010). The hackers may be out to malign the firm and jeopardize its online marketing efforts through posting false tweets. There has been evidence and news of hackings into Facebook and Twitter accounts of established and renowned companies sending the message across the business world that really no firm is invisible. This loophole mat cost the firm its reputation negating the intentions to use social media in the first place. Social marketing is also seen as somewhat intrusive. Some ardent members on Facebook and Twitter feel that advertisement placement through collection of member information from these sites is intruding on their privacy and that confidentiality is compromised. This causes marketing efforts to be met

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Should everyone allow to own gun Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Should everyone allow to own gun - Essay Example The Founders knew that by ensuring the right to own arms, citizens would have the ability to protect themselves from that which might endanger their life, liberty or pursuit of happiness. This could include bodily protection from persons and animals or from an oppressive government that threatened the freedoms outlined in the Constitution. â€Å"The Second Amendment reflects the founders’ belief that an armed citizenry, called the ‘general militia’ was a necessary precaution against tyranny by our own government and its army† (Krouse, 2002). Most American’s agree that the Second Amendment does allow law-abiding citizens to own guns for protection and hunting. Gun ownership ranks high among these political ideologies and to attempt to ban all guns would make these feelings even stronger. To make the case for upholding the widely perceived ‘right’ to bear arms by allowing rifles and shotguns of a certain length while banning handguns seems the sensible solution and a fight that could be won. This tact has proven effective in other countries such as Britain and many other European nations. Those countries that ban handgun use have a much lower homicide rate than does the U.S. (Reynolds, Caruth, 1992) In the year 2002, more than 3000 American children died as a result of guns, mostly handguns. Compare this with Britain where 19 children were killed by guns in 2005 and Japan where none were killed. Both if these countries have enacted strict gun control laws. The children of America are dying every day so that those who insist they have a right to own an arsenal of weapons and misconstrue the Constitution to justify this desire. (â€Å"Statistics† 2005). Gun enthusiasts mimic the concept that more guns will lead to less violence, that if everyone were carrying a gun, criminals would be too scared to commit crimes. The more is less philosophy. This doesn’t square with reasonable logic or the facts.

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Issues in Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Issues in Management - Essay Example Investigation was carried out before Houston offered to purchase the company. Although the deal failed, Enron assets were made the largest corporate bankrupt in the history of United States’ corporations. The collapse of Enron serves as a lesson for managers and all sub-versions of company management controls. The meteoric rise and down fall of the company astonished groups of people thereby becoming a dream for researchers to unveil what led to such misfortunes; however, the entire ordeal has ever since remained a nightmare for all former and current stakeholders of the company. The company’s downfall is associated with individuals born with greed and in atmospheres on corporate arrogance. However, many people kept on buying stock; thus, making it buy risk deals. After some time, Enron was then bought from the union of Houston Natural gas. In the union process, the company incurred huge debt and lost its rights to pipeline. To revive its operations, the company decided to initiate new ideas and formulate new strategies that would help to generate cash flow and good profits. On the other hand, to regain its stability, the company hired Jeffrey Skilling, a young consultant with good skills in banking and liability management who created gas bank whereby, Enron could buy gas from suppliers and sell it to consumers. This activity brought about huge profits and created new product as well as new paradigm for the company. Under the leadership of the young consultant, the company’s finance corporation soon dominated the market with many contracts and good access to suppliers. The number of customers was also seen to multiply. Its gained market power was utilized on predicting future prices with accuracy. Skilling begun to change the culture of the company to much its transformed image as a trading business entity. For instance, he

Friday, August 23, 2019

Providing Care Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Providing Care - Essay Example However, there are still some important issues that need to be addressed. All users must be widely educated about this activity in order for the entire system to work out well for the patients. This system needs to have feedback mechanism. This in general will get all the necessary information from the people so as to correct the system or know how exactly to expand or improve necessary health reforms to work effectively for the people (Begley et al., 2002). The integration of information technology with the health care system has already been practiced in the US. However, the feedback mechanism system needs to be highly improved the soonest possible. This is to further ensure that clinical and cost effectiveness is achieved at its maximum level. The US has to allocate budget for this. The budget must come from its allocation to technology and research and development activities. In line with this, the government must have to consider adding significant increase for its budget on res earch and development activities. References Begley, C. E., Aday, L. A., Lairson, D. R., and Slater, C. H. (2002). Expanding the scope of health reform: application in the United States. Social Science & Medicine, 55, 1213-1229. Tunis, S. R., & Gelband, H. (1994).

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Corrections Trend Evaluation Essay Example for Free

Corrections Trend Evaluation Essay Corrections Trend Evaluation There have been several assorted and strenuous general directions in the midst of the justice system. These general directions contain several topics and debates over the past years. As a nation individuals then study and perceive that the judicial tribunal method is increasing with time and expanding a diverse outlook to examine a better way to keep going ahead. In fact, a study will explain incorporating the past, present, and future of the development and operation of institutional and community based corrections. In addition, this document will speak of, and examine contemporary and impending concerns facing a place or state of confinement prison management today, and the functions, and concerns of alternate correction systems as an expanding trend. Past, Present, and Future These three general directions belong to the improved function of organizations and areas based on corrections (Muraskim Roberts, 2009). A consideration has built an unbroken extension and growth in places of confinement in the 20 – first century. As the cycles continued individuals transformed, and the justice system continued to go forward in the direction of method familiarization. Society at large and correction will continue to be updated (Muraskim Roberts, 2009). During the 1600s a transgression was revised to decrease transgressions through an improvement that contained help to violators, this contained fewer rough treatments to violators and less sympathetic arrangements (Muraskim Roberts, 2009). In the 1700s dispositions became different, however, places of confinement continued to change and capital punishment continued. In fact, at the end of the 1800s there were occurring dilemmas with the rules. In addition, this was the discipline the inmates received, the popu lation of the inmates, the upkeep of places of confinement, and the circumstances in which the inmates lived. Furthermore, by the 1970s the conventional trends of those periods of intervals became what is known today as the justice system (Muraskim Roberts, 2009). Development and Operations of Institutional Corrections In proceeding years the growth if establishments of institutional corrections left no visualization. The outlook of improvements and procedures of institutional corrections is one of several facts that the prisoners were lodged in situations gloomy and dirty. Prisoners were treated rough, and worked very severe. Although today in places of confinement the population of prisoners is still high the prisoners are receiving his or her justice (Community Corrections, 1998). A right of the prisoners is health care. In today’s places of confinement the systems are not run the same. Governing actions and rules dealing with details of procedures are executed effectively not only by the department but also by the law officials. Prisons today are still over populated but no longer gloomy and dirty (Community Corrections, 1998). In fact, prisoners get three meals per day, showers, recreation, use of the prison library, and some technology. In addition, the significance of health care for prisoners is to guarantee prisoners let go from places of confinement are not in a situation in which he or she cannot mask civilization to deadly illnesses. The places of confinement systems decisive objection is to keep the inmates protected from infliction, and to equip the day – to- day requirements that the system of law enforcement permits. In fact, the judicial tribunal needs to halt the inmates from receiving leisure’s, and concentrate on the concerns of why the violators are incarcerated (Community Corrections, 1998). Development and Operations of Community – Based Corrections Future improvements should be effective and used with changes to adapt to communities. Community – based programs began in the 1950s. In the 60s and 70s the programs came to be numerous goals for individuals responsible for making policies and the system of law enforcement tasks. In fact, community – based corrections are for individuals who are not brutal violators proposed by the judicial tribunal system. In addition, the community – bases corrections aid individuals through special areas of the criminal process (Community Corrections, 1998). Options for community – based programs are compelled to the individual but he or she remains in places of confinement. In fact, individuals awaiting appearances are in the custody of another individual until he or she goes to his or her hearing or judgment. In addition, Global Positioning Systems (GPS) for example, ankle bracelets are used to inform law enforcement officials on the individual’s position. Furthermore, alternative measures are binding agreements the violator’s takes part in to reply his or her violation. Moreover, the felon may settle for advice, aiding in neighborhoods, giving professional duties to the individuals  injured or donate funds, and if the violator brought infliction or damage to an individual he or she may be required to pay back money to the individuals (Community Corrections, 1998). Current and Future Issues Some of the present topics comforting the judicial tribunal and the judicial tribunal managers are accumulations of false unperformed, postponements, and overcrowding. This generates greater dilemmas in the judicial tribunal method because it solemnly jeopardizes the character and bearings of the judicial tribunal. In fact, the judicial tribunal gets backed up on the case that in turn causes the judicial tribunal to play catch up. In addition, the judicial tribunal systems are not laid out to operate under pressure, and the judicial tribunals are not laid out to perform fast tasks on the cases the judicial tribunal have. Furthermore, when the judicial tribunal tried to play catch up on the numerous caseloads it has there is room for error for example; making mistakes (Court Issues, 2004). Another concern that might ascend is the judicial tribunal is behind on cases an agreement that permits a defendant to plead to a lesser charge is expanded. In fact, an agreement that permits defend ants to plead to a lesser charge provides an opportunity for the judicial tribunal to accept a lesser charge for the individuals. In addition, charge bargains are used when individuals accused with grave transgressions the wrongdoings receives an unusual title to create an agreement that permits a defendant to plead guilty to a lesser charge so the case can be resolved. Furthermore, both of these agreements put the protection of the community at risk (Court Issues, 2004). If the judicial tribunal system is pressured it can bring results for the members of the judicial tribunal system. These interferences can lead to law enforcement releasing the convicted individual, more pressure for law enforcement officials to obtain legal punishments for convicted violators, and more formal statements. In fact, there are several ways for the judicial tribunal to relieve the pressures of the judicial tribunal system for example, the use of applied science. The use of applied science aids law enforcement official to hurry the process for the judicial tribunal because the lower judicial tribunals have control over certain regi ons in the judicial tribunal systems for example, unauthorized substances, violence or physical harm to an individual, agreements or conflicts (Court Issues, 2004). In  addition, there are areas that aid in the many fields in the judicial tribunal for example, injury to the body of an individual, medical providers negligence, and work agreements. Agreements between individuals are not as costly, and easier to use than the use of lawsuits (Court Issues, 2004). Furthermore, individuals in places of confinement are under pressure from the penalties he or she has received from the judicial tribunal. Moreover, in places of confinement the prisoners are given the chance to reestablish his or her wrongdoing when he or she if released on parole (Muraskim Roberts, 2009). With several prisoners in places of confinements troubles are likely to occur for example, the deaths of other individuals. This in turn directs additional injury or abuse to prisoners in the set of agencies established by the government. In fact, prisoners are stripped of his or her essential programs and these circumstances affects places of confinement management because he or she has the obligation to make sure that the requirements, manager’s safety, and the day – to – day procedures are taken care of. In addition, officials in places of confinement are obligated for the employees, and the rehabilitation curriculum in places of confinement (Community Corrections, 1998). Places of confinement are putting more tensions on a set of agencies and processes established by the government to control crime. These circumstances affect and expand the expenses of additional places of confinement, and additional inmates. Prisoners who have moderate punishments and prolonged intervals build additional problems in places of confinement. In fact, additional issues include how the general population views the beliefs those inmates receiving help is not enough, and the resolution for prisoners to prevent additional violations (Muraskim Roberts, 2009). Roles and Issues of alternate Correctional Systems There are tremendous dilemmas when bargaining with correctional systems. Individuals locked up in today’s places of confinement are not working as it should be. The government of politics economic system of corrections and the community at some point can devise the remedy. Crime will continue to go up and violators let go can reestablish hazards to community security (Inayatullah, 2002). In conclusion, the significance of the past, present, and future trends of community – based corrections are to comprehend and raise awareness in the United States. The individuals of a city or town need to have freedom in his or her neighborhood and not felt threatened by inmates released early form places of confinement. In fact, the past, present, and future are sets of agencies established by the government. In addition, community – based corrections need to blend more procedures and discover substance plans of procedures. Furthermore, the set of agencies and processes established by the government to control crime began in the 1950s. Moreover, in the 1700s dispositions became different, and by the 1800s there were occurring dilemmas with the rules. References Communtiy Corrections. (1998). John Howard Society of Alberta, (), . Retrieved from http://johnhoward_ab-ca/pub/ Court Issues. (2004). , (), . Retrieved from Inayatullah, S. (2002, May). Working report for comment and scenario development Scanning for correctional futures a report for the department of justice Victoria office of the correctional services commisioner, (), . Retrieved from Muraskim, R., Roberts, A.R. (2009). Visions of change; Crime and justice in the twenty first century (5th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson/Prentice Hall, (), .

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Summer Assignment Essay Example for Free

Summer Assignment Essay IB AP European History Summer Assignment Prerequisite for the AP European History class After doing research on Medieval Europe, address the following questions in essay format. Your research can come through books, the internet and Gateway’s databases (Gale) that you would find under Electronic Resources on our webpage. Cite where you’re getting your information from. The response for each set of questions should be 300 words in length and should be hand written. Essays will be turned in on the first day of school. Late papers will not be accepted. Your grade will be based upon completion of the assignment, thorough answer to each question asked and your ability to follow directions. Your responses must be hand written in blue or black ink. 1. What were the causes and effects of the Black Death for Europe? Include in your discussion how the Black Death spread. 2. What were the causes and effects of the Hundred Years War for England and France? Include Joan of Arc in your discussion. 3. What were the causes and effects of the Great Schism on the Catholic Church and Europe? Include conciliarism in your discussion. 4. What were Dante’s, Petrarch’s, Boccaccio’s and Chaucer’s contributions to Medieval Europe’s literature? Include in your discussion their works and the effects on society. 5. How did the Holy Roman Empire contrast with the English and French monarchies in Medieval Europe? Include in your discussion Edward III, Charles V and the Great Council. 6. How was Italy fragmented in the 14th Century? Include in your discussion the republics, kingdom, duchy and Papal States that constituted Italy in the 1300s.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Reflection Paper on Problem Solving

Reflection Paper on Problem Solving This report has been prepared as a reflective work of my groups business plan for MBA course. The purpose of this reflection sheet is to redirect how I and my team mates worked while undertaking the project. The point of writing this report is to include my thoughts and reactions to the experience. The reflective journal is a personal record of my learning experiences (White, 2005). I have been asked by university management to write an individual reflective journal on business plan that should consist of my critical way of thinking in an analytical way. It has been written to reflect on my work which will allow the readers to understand my achievement being a member of a team and my role as a researcher, analyser, critical thinker, reporter and presenter (White, 2005). I tried to be as specific as possible as this journal is a persuasive essay arguing on behalf of myself. It includes where my inspiration comes from, how I made use of my ideas to develop my work and my awareness of t he context in which I work. This reflective journal is an individual report that has described my work based on the business plan that I have participated in. I was chosen to work in a team of five members to build a business plan regarding launching a business in Cardiff. My team members for this assignment were Archana Ashu, Gagan Deep Singh, Nadeem Khan and Rachit Ajmera. The business plan that we have worked together, is regarding launching a multiplex cinema in Cardiff. This business plan provides a 3 year operating plan for a Multiplex cinema with a start-up capital of  £5 million. In this report we highlighted and analysed all the factors essential for a start-up. We considered market analysis, market strategy and costing, staffing and resourcing, and financial projections for the first 3 years of the business. In this reflective journal I have described objectively what happened, I tried to Interpret the events explaining what I saw and heard, my insights, my connections w ith other learning, my hypotheses and my conclusions. I also evaluated the effectiveness and efficiency of what was observed. In this journal, I have described how I tackled team issues, interpreted my role as a team member, what did I learn being a team member and How I approached challenges. Other than problem solving I have recorded and mentioned knowledge and understanding of relevant theories, synthesis of what would I do differently next time reflecting on how the workshops/meetings helped develop my study? I have been asked to reflect an analysis, taking into account aspects of my strategy formulation and explaining how I built upon and applied knowledge from taught modules. I have made sure that structure of work follows all the section headings and recognises marking scheme, language is concise and this journal is presented according to school guidelines. Problem solving I was chosen to work in a team of five members to build a business plan regarding launching a business in Cardiff. My team members for this assignment were Archana Ashu, Gagan Deep Singh, Nadeem Khan and Rachit Ajmera. Although I wanted to be in a team of my close friends, the administration allocated teams randomly and put me in a group of five students. Luckily I already had close friendship with one member and I knew one other as he was in a same study group as mine. Initially I had objections with the supervisors decision of allocation but gradually as I started to know my team members, this opposition faded away. I felt friendly and enthusiastic being in this team. Being students from different backgrounds and societies naturally raised some problems for us but we managed to solve all the issues quite amicably (Gillie, 2010). All the disagreements were resolved and we worked together harmoniously. As a contemporary management student, I understood the capability of a team is gre ater than the collective abilities of the individuals within it. As soon as I was consigned in a team, I called everyone for a meeting to know each other and discuss task in hand. For me, doing the work in a friendly environment and more casually could make the task easier. Rest of the team members did not agree and had some reservations but I motivated them and persuaded them to follow my arrangement. In the meetings, plan was discussed and ideas were revolved (Gillie, 2010). I also put forward my thoughts and plans. After careful planning, thorough discussion and constructive arguments I made them agree on the topic. We defined our roles according to our strengths in subject areas and tasks were assigned to each member. My team set its standards of ethics and behaviours to achieve positive synergy and to create effective environment (Levin, 2008). All team members were highly committed and motivated. My strong area was marketing, hence id been assigned with collecting, analysing a nd evaluating marketing aspects of the business plan. I also convinced them to work closely and stay in constant contact. Although we had to work individually on our tasks but I collaborated to help others in their work and vice versa (Levin, 2008). Apart from problems mentioned above, I and other team members faced some other problems such as lack of knowledge of how to conduct the study, inexperience of research process, lack of critical analysis during research process, less research was done on every individuals part and there were critical judgements on each others work, no involvement of critical thinking which made our presentation look descriptive, and inconsistent decision making. All these problems were solved jointly (Gillie, 2010). I have learnt that team is more successful when members within it are able to create synergy. Since our goals, objectives, tasks, and priorities were larger than any individual, teamwork was required. When team members know how to be more effective together, synergy happens and greater organizational success is achieved. I have also understood the importance of teamwork (Sugars, 2005). I considered every member of my team as important as each person brought unique skills, knowledge, and experience. Team members also brought energy, drive, passion, and determination. Since not everyone brings different amounts of all of these things, team members needed each other. Increasing the strength of each team member produced greater team success and results. I along with my team members approached all the issues quite confidently as I knew our collective strengths could tackle any problem we face (Glover, 2009). Knowledge and Understanding By conducting a research as a team, I felt that there is no doubt team theory is relevant in practice. I was confident to relate the research and the theory I have studied during my MBA course (Sugars, 2005). Previous experience in management field also came handy. The most important thing I have gained knowledge of is the effectively working in a team. In the later stages of the project, coordination among team members increased considerably. This helped in improving and polishing our communication skills. We learned that everyone can do their own part to work towards a common goal and that there doesnt need to be just one distinct leader (Glover, 2009). Although different tasks were assigned to team members, I remained in constant contact with every member and consulted on every possible occasion. This also helped me learn and understand their approach as well (Glover, 2009). As an individual, working on a business plan has helped me to understand how to make an official report. It assisted me in research methodology, how to check different sources and how to carry out research. The proposed business plan was solely concentrated on market penetration and market acquisition with its customer service, facilities, ambience, and projection technology and above all, operational benefits (Sugars, 2005). Beside this, I managed to learn different marketing techniques and got a practical experience of how to apply marketing models and theories. I considered myself an important member of a team in formulating strategy and objectives to achieve this strategy. The main purpose of conducting a market research was to identify and establish potent ial market and also to get the reliable data for product. I have learned to analyse the market and potential customers before entering the market. I understood the market analysis for business is to check the feasibility and the absorbance of product in the market and to understand the trends and behaviour of the consumers in market and to apply strategies accordingly (Dyer, 2007). All this provided crucial and reliable information. I studied to carry out market analysis; learned about market size and forecast; its share, trends and behaviour. I also assessed competitors and their strategies, targeted market segments, analysed our business core competencies and critical success factors; marketing and costing strategies. This business plan also assisted me in projecting financial position and reports along with knowledge of staffing and resourcing for business (Sugars, 2007). Synthesis Although all team members planned the business plan and divided the tasks according to their strengths but we still faced some problems. I would like to change my approach a little next time I involve myself in this type of activity. I would definitely focus on time management and motivation issues (Dyers, 2007). Others areas need to be improved are analytical skills and market assessments. The area of critics of team needs some perfection as well. Every members presentation skills were weak that resulted in lower marks. The report looked descriptive and team members just read that in the presentation meeting. Experience gained from this project will definitely help to improve the above mentioned areas in the future (Saunders et al. 2009). There are a lot of aspects and factors that helped me develop my understanding and improve my knowledge. Workshops and lectures taught me how to carry out a research in desired fields, what method to select and what approach to take. Meetings provided facilitation in problem solving and strategic planning. These also helped me in decision making and working in a team (White, 2005). Analysis and Evaluation As a student studying MBA course from a renowned university, I was expected to apply critical thinking and analyse the business plan. The modules that I have studied during my lectures helped me apply marketing tools and techniques to my research. I learned how to apply theory into practice. This was a new idea to me but I was successful in interpreting this. This helped me gained both theoretical and practical knowledge. I applied knowledge from the books and journals to formulate the strategic plan, mission and vision of the company that I was working on. I applied different models successfully such as McKenzie 7s model, Porters generic strategies, Ansoffs growth model, IR model, Porters five forces model and some others (Kotler. 2010). The knowledge from the lectures helped me how to search different sources which was useful in strategy formulation. Overall the use of theoretical knowledge in practical situation helped me understand the business plan. I used the theories to advanc e my understanding of the business plan. The practical experience was built upon the theoretical knowledge (Saunders et al. 2009). Theory asked me how to conduct a research; based on this I practically collected data and information for analysis. Theory taught me how to calculate; I practically used this knowledge to formulate a financial projection; Theory explained how to apply different models; I managed to use these theories according to my situation and constructed a whole report. I practically worked in human resource filed to staff and resource my business. Having completed this project, I have learned how to better argue a point in discussion. Using facts and example, my arguments have become much better (Sugars, 2005). The project taught me and my team members to be good team members, cooperative and helpful. I felt a change as my researching skills increased considerably. I can better understand the topic and use a variety of sources for search purposes which will help me a lot in future research process. I can create a conclusive argument that can set a tone of the entire project. Using latest techniques of researching and arguing, my paper will seem clearer and my arguments more apparent (Bryman and Bell, 2007). I have also updated my accounting knowledge by working on new accounting principles. I was responsible for quite of lot of report writing. It was good for me to get practice at writing, at proof reading, editing, etc. I did have a sense of achievement when a report was finished. And finally my computer skills have also impr oved from writing reports and through having 24-hour access to the computer. These skills are not great, but in comparison to my own skills before working on this project they have progressed well. I personally feel that business plan is viable as it helps us understand not just to apply critical thinking and analyse the information but to use the theory into practice. This is what I think MBA requires. It helps the students getting management experience and applying what they have learnt in their lectures and workshops.

ECB vs. Banque de France :: Economy Monetary Europe Papers

ECB vs. Banque de France With the introduction of a single currency for twelve different countries came along the introduction of a new banking system in France and 11 other countries. This system was officially put to work in January of 1999 when the euro became the currency in 11 countries in Europe; Greece became the twelve in June of 2001. At the time of introduction the countries could still use their own currency and the exchange rate between their currency and the euro was set by the new banking system. This system if officially named the European System of Central Banks (ESCB), and it is composed the European Central Bank, in Frankfurt, Germany and the National Central Banks (NCB) of the European Union Member States. All 15 EU members participate but the countries which did not introduce the euro have a special status and may implement their own monetary policy and do not partake in any of the decision making by the ESCB, they basically just observe what is going on. The ECB and the Banque de Fr ance, which is the national bank of France work together, but you may also separate their roles within the ESCB. Even though the ECB has much control in determining the financial status of France, the national bank has ways to fine-tune the economy. In the end the Banque de France is often held back by the ECB, and one of the main reasons is that the ECB is always torn in how to change its regulations and rates because the decision that applies to twelve countries that are never all going to be at exactly the same point economically, financially, or monetarily. As a whole the Eurosystem has four basic tasks that it is responsible to carry through the ECB and the national banks. The first is to define and implement the monetary policy. The second is to conduct foreign exchange operations. The third is to hold and manage the official foreign reserves of the Member States and the fourth is to promote the smooth operation of the payment systems (Organization of the ESCB, 1). These are just the broad goals or duties of the whole Eurosystem. When you break it down into the responsibilities of the ECB and the Banque de France things get more critical. Ultimately the ECB is responsible for defining the single monetary policy and making sure that the Banque de France and the other national banks implement the policies efficiently.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Thomas Edison Essay -- essays research papers

Thomas Edison Thomas (Alva) Edison was one of America’s most important and famous inventors. Edison was born into a time and place where there wasn’t much technological advancements. His inventions helped a lot of things quickly change in the world. His inventions contributed to many inventions today such as the night light, movies, telephones, and records and CDs. Edison is most famous for the development of the first electric light bulb. Like I said Edison was born into a time where America wasn’t very developed. He was born, and electricity had not been developed. But thanks to Edison when he had passed away on October 18, 1931 whole cities were lit up in electricity. For electricity, much of the credit goes to Edison. Some of his inventions were improvements on other inventions, like the telephone. He didn’t â€Å"invent† the telephone he just made it better. Some of his inventions he did try to invent, like the light bulb and the movie projector. The one he is most proud of was pretty much an accident--the phonograph. Edison invented and improved upon things that changed our world. Some of the things he invented, he did by himself. Some he did with other people. Just about all his inventions are still around today and are commonly used. It was important to Edison that he created and invented things that people could use in their everyday life. Thomas Edison was born on February 11, 1847 in Milan Ohio. He was the youngest of all 7 children. His parents were Samuel Edison, Jr. and Nancy Elliot Edison. His dad was a man that did everything, from real-estate to running the local grocery store. His mom was a teacher, but with 7 children she stayed home with the kids preparing meals and helping them with homework. When Thomas was seven years old, his family moved to Port Huron, Michigan. He was full of energy and a curious young boy. When Thomas moved to Port Huron he started to go to school. His teacher, Reverend Engle considered Thomas to be a dull student. Thomas knew this and didn’t like it. Thomas didn’t like math and asked a lot of questions. Which Reverend Engle did not like. It was told that Reverend Engle whipped students who asked too many questions, cause it was an annoyanc... ...oratory, Edison decided he would invent a safe, mild, and inexpensive electric light. Edison searched for the proper "filament" or wire, that would give good light when electricity flowed through it. He sent people to the jungles of the Amazon and forests of Japan in his search for a perfect filament material. He tested over 6,000 vegetable growths (baywood, boxwood, hickory, cedar, flax, bamboo) as filament material. In 1879, after spending $40,000, and performing 1,200 experiments, he succeeded. He made a light bulb using carbonized filaments from cotton thread. Carbonized thread is ordinary cotton sewing thread that has been burned to an ash. The light bulb burned for two days. The electric light took the greatest amount of time and required the most complicated experiments of all his experiments. Conclusion In conclusion Mr. Thomas Edison was a great inventor which enhances my everyday life with his unbelievable inventions. If Thomas Edison never invented the lightbulb who knows what the world would be like today. I think that Thomas Alva Edison was a great inspiration and inventor to many people today.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Is the Operation of Auditing Necessary? Essay examples -- Business Eth

[IS THE OPERATION OF AUDITS NECESSARY?] [We need to understand that audit is about achieving customer satisfaction in order to gain repeat business and overall increase company revenue.] What is business ethics? The ethics of a particular business can be diverse. Business ethics is the behavior that a business devotes to in its daily dealings with the world. Auditing is the analysis and inspection of the financial accounts/records whether or not a company has a qualified accountant and procedures of a firm or organization. This is necessary to gain a fair information on the company’s financial statements. With its auditing, potential investors and creditors can look at the financial statements to decide whether to invest in a business or not. Moreover, auditing is important as it also protects the public from scams and corrupt business procedures. So, is an audit process required? Yes, I believe it is an essential part for every business’s ethics, which is literally in order to do the right thing and guide how they should behave regarded as moral values. Many businesses have gotten a bad reputation by behaving unethically in order to survive in this competitive age. Some people may argue that most businesses are just interested in making money, which could be viewed as capitalism. It is not wrong to earn money in itself. This is the reason and the manner all companies exist. And, some companies actually are not aware of the importance of its auditing. They just think that it’s a waste of money and time. This aspect is the major drawback in these companies as customer doesn’t depend on these companies for long and their business is affected in long terms. They need to understand that an audit is about achieving customer sat... Kana Inagaki, Japan Prosecutors Charge Olympus, Executives. Wall Street Journal, March 7, 2012 Paine, L. S.: 1994, Managing for Organizational Integrity. Harvard Business Review (March-April), 106–117. W. Dunfee and Patricia Werhane., Report on Business Ethics Thomas in North America What Is The Importance Of Audit, And Its Advantages & Disadvantages?, Singh, Preeti. "Auditing Scam in Jagan Reddy's Firm, Nov.-Dec. 2011. Web. 01 Apr. 2012. . (16). Time (2002) The End of Arthur Andersen? Retrieved April 19, 2003 from the World Wide Web:,8599,216386,00.html "The Sarbanes-Oxley Act 2002." The Sarbanes-Oxley Act 2002. Web. 01 Apr. 2012. .

Saturday, August 17, 2019

My Sister’s Keeper Essay

In the movie, My Sister’s Keeper, a suspenseful journey through a 13 year old’s push for medical emancipation. Anna, Sara, and Kate Fitzgerald get bumps and bruises from arguing over the overall morals of Kate Fitzgerald’s life. Being an ongoing fighter of leukemia, Anna, the youngest child of Brian and Sara Fitzgerald, go through a seemingly endless process arguing over their leukemia-stricken daughter Kate’s life. Throughout the whole movie, the setting is either in general, Rhode Island or in Providence Hospital where Kate goes for chemotherapy by Dr.  Chance. A suspense filled movie, Nick Cassavetes creates a drama filled movie. During one of the final scenes of this magnificent movie, Kate and Anna are sitting outside of their home in the grass on a blanket. Kate is explaining to Anna all of the thoughts that have been going through her mind for the past few months. Cassavetes includes a flashback of Anna catching Kate locked in her room drinking and doing drugs. Kate was blasting rock music and oblivious to the harm that she was causing her leukemia-stricken body. Not ever was Anna able to put two and two together to realize that Kate did not want to live and suffer with pain every minute of her cancer-full life. As a whole, this scene is etched into the film well. The overall purpose of this scene, after all of the tension, is to show a more sensitive side of the movie. This is brought out, especially when Kate is braiding Anna’s hair, furthermore symbolizing the cancer that has inflicted Kate. This scene also portrays the stronger side of Kate through the movie. Throughout the movie, Kate was always worried about never getting a boyfriend because she had no hair. For the majority of the scene, the distance of the camera follows a pattern. The camera would begin far away and then goes close-up to a certain character. The director chose to do both close-ups and long shots in order to show the proportion difference between Anna’s perspective and Kate’s. Kate can then be seen by viewers as the aggressor in the scene. The camera movement varies throughout the scene. When the director wants to convey the amount of tension in the act, he pans the camera. This type of camera movement is key to showing the unlimited amount of tension present in this scene. The director would focus on how Anna felt beat when she finds out that after all of the donations and surgeries that she had been through, her sister wants to over intoxicate herself. Low-angle shots are used by the actors who would look up into the sky and reminisce. The director uses this angle to exemplify the amount of thinking that Kate does about her life and her future. Overall the purpose of the various camera angles and movement is to draw the audience members into the movie and make is seem as though they are with the characters. Throughout the scene, the lighting varies. The director mainly uses three-point lighting around Kate and Anna to light up and enhance the entire scene. He most likely illustrates this form of lighting to add depth to the surrounding of the two main characters and keep the characters visible at all times of the scene. When the director wants to make a clip seem darker and more serious to the viewers, he uses film noir. This type of lighting is used when Anna catches Kate drinking in her room and blasting rock music in her room. Without this dark lighting, the clip wouldn’t seem as rigid as it should appear. All in all, lighting in this specific scene of My Sister’s Keeper is extremely important to exemplify the scene. The costumes play a major part in this scene. Although the attire seems like clothes that the average teenager would wear on a daily basis, it shows the calm setting of this part of the scene. When Anna finds her sister in her room drinking, Kate was wearing all black and her makeup was running down her face and Anna was in her pajamas. With all of this said, the costumes worn in the scene are substantial for the viewers because it helps them understand the sisters have fights on and off. The set of the movie doesn’t take place in California, but in a studio. Although the scene appears to be located in the city of fame, in actuality it is shot using green screens. If the did take place in the authentic location, the director would have a harder time getting perfect lighting. The majority of the time, the sky was a perfect blue and had just the right amount of clouds. Even though the set is green-screened, the scene is much better because of the computed generated graphics like the sky and the clouds that are produced, From the beginning to the end, the scene has an assortment of different kinds of editing from montage to cut transitions. When the director wanted to separate the two sections of the scene, he cut the two to show the difference in the two sections. When the director was wrapping this scene up, he faded this scene out. In conculsion, this scene, hands down, is the most valuable part of the movie. All of the thought in camera angles, lighting, costumes, set, editing, and sound came together to shape a brilliant scene. All of these elements allowed the audience to capture a â€Å"big-sister moment†, especially when she is braiding her hair and telling her memorable stories. Without this, the movie would not have been complete. I believe that this scene was necessary to bridge the gap between the tension-full scenes to the scene when Kate dies. All in all, the director’s cinematic techniques in the scene portray the themes of love and friendship beautifully in the film.

Friday, August 16, 2019

Results and Discussion Example

Results In this experiment we used paper chromatography to determine the amount of chlorophyll a, chlorophyll b, xanthophyll, and beta-carotene in a tube of blended leaf extract. We recorded our findings on the table labeled table 1. Table 1 shows the transmittance at each wavelength on a table from 400 to 720. The information on Figure 1 came from the leaf extract on the paper chromatography that we used; with the help of acetone we saw the spectrum and the differences of the different pigments.Percentage transmittance in Table 1 show that the lower the number, the more dense that solution is at that specific wavelength. As the numbers get higher, the less dense it is and if the number is 100 at a specific wavelength then the solution was clear. As we can see from Table 1, each of the pigments had different low transmittance based on how high the absorption was in each of the pigments. For this we calculated that at there was a peak on the graph at the lowest points in table 1.For i nstance, in the chlorophyll a column in Table 1 the lowest points on the graphs at 8 and 28 and also at 44, which shows that there will be a peak around those points. In chlorophyll b, the lowest points are from 25. 2, 12. 4, and 9. 4, which would be the first peak and the next will be at 55. 6. In Xanthophyll, the points were the first peak will be are 52. 4, 43. 6, 44. 8, and 53. 0. Lastly in Carotene, the graph will peak at 92. 2, 93. 6, and 92. 4. By using these points we predicted the behavior of the graph.TABLE 1| | | Wavelength| Chlorophyll a| Chlorophyll b| Xanthophyll| Carotene| 400| 12| 42| 61. 8| 96. 8| 420| 8| 25. 2| 52. 4| 99. 6| 440| 28| 12. 4| 43. 6| 92. 2| 460| 71. 5| 9. 4| 44. 8| 93. 6| 480| 81| 48. 4| 53| 92. 4| 500| 88| 88. 6| 83. 2| 99. 2| 520| 88| 91. 4| 94. 2| 100| 540| 84. 5| 87. 4| 95. 6| 100| 560| 83| 85. 2| 96. 4| 99. 2| 580| 71. 5| 83. 4| 96. 2| 100| 600| 72. 5| 76. 8| 96| 100| 620| 61. 5| 78. 2| 94. 4| 100| 640| 61. 5| 59. 6| 94. 6| 100| 660| 44| 55. 6| 9 3. 2| 100| 680| 48. 8| 67. 8| 92. 6| 99. 8| 700| 64. 6| 60| 91. 4| 92. 8| 720| 50. 6| 52. 4| 89| -|On the graph labeled Figure 1, it shows the absorbance of each of the pigments that are shown in Table 1. The difference between Table 1 and Figure 1 is that where table 1 shows the transmittance points of each wavelength of each pigment, Figure 1 shows the absorption peaks of each of the wavelengths. For chlorophyll a, the highest peaks are at 420, but then the graph plummets at around 450 and has another peak between 650 and 700. For chlorophyll b, the highest peaks of absorbance are between 450 and 500 then it makes a big plummet around 500 and has another peak between 640 and 660.For Xanthophyll, the only peak is between 420 and 480, then the graph as minimal movement from there and stays in the 90 range never hitting 100. Lastly, beta-carotene has small peaks at 440 and 460 and then the graph stays almost stagnant at 100. Discussion The purpose of this experiment was to find out w hy the leaves on a tree changed color in the fall. We predicted that the molecules in the leaves of the tree attributed to the change. We found out that the molecules: Chlorophyll a, Chlorophyll b, Xanthophyll, and Beta-carotene are the main molecules that reside in a leaf.We also stated that the tree absorbs the elements found in some of these molecules so that they can be used in the spring, when the trees are green once more. This prediction came from when we studied the molecular composition of each of the molecules and correlated the results the experiment and the specific elements that the tree would have needed for another year. The results of this experiment show that at there is less chlorophyll a and chlorophyll b in the composition of the leaves that were used.This meant that when the season is changing, the molecules in these structures start to be absorbed back into the tree. This conclusion came from the fact that in table 1 from 420 and 440 Nano meters there was a low transmittance rate of these two molecules, which means that the absorbance rate was high. During the fall season there is not enough sunlight for the trees to perform photosynthesis to make their own food, what a plant needs to survive would be the Magnesium and Nitrogen that are found in the molecular structures of chlorophyll a and b.Therefore they absorb all of these nutrients that the tree needs to survive so that they can make it thorough the winter. Errors could have been made with this experiment. Some of them include that the individuals in different groups did not have the same control as the others. We did not measure the same amount of acetone in each vial nor did we measure how much of the leaf extraction each person used. Another source of error would be how the spectrometer was used, if it was reset the same at each wavelength each time.Compared to previous experiments the information that was collected in this one was accurate. The peaks for each pigment were roughly around the same wavelength. The standard for chlorophyll a was peaks at 430 and 662, chlorophyll b peaks at 453 and 642, xanthophyll a range from 450 to 550 and for the beta-carotene peaks at a range from 450 to 550. Our results were roughly around the same as you can see from Table 1. The end result of the experiment was successful, because of the results that we produced were similar to the results of previous experiments.

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Does Facebook Help or Hinder Offline Friendships Essay

Some of the effect of the ever-growing social networking is the lack of face to face interaction. Now websites such as Facebook allow you to find your long lost friend but hinders the ability to go out and meet friends face to face. The question remains does it help or does it hinders a person’s interaction ability. In my opinion it helps that person get over the social anxieties and be able to communicate so when a person meets face to face it is not so awkward and being able to communicate builds confidence when speaking. There was an article in the New York Times where they asked this very same question. Which state that â€Å"If anything, Facebook has helped me sift through the friends I’m happy with keeping at arm’s length by offering the perfect vehicle to do it through. â€Å"(Wortham, 2011). Being able to sort out your friends and like Wortham stated at an arm’s length it helps. Cultural Impact The impact that social media plays in our everyday life is extraordinary but for some there are mixed emotions. Some culture such look down upon social media because it could be dangerous or even discourage you away from your beliefs. It could impact an entire family or have people find out information about you that should be private. I feel for the most part most cultures rely on social media as much as the mainstream society. It’s an easy and inexpensive way to keep in touch with friends and families across the globe. Besides the Amish and some Middle Eastern cultures I find the it helps to better know your friends and help you to meet new ones that you would of never met if it wasn’t for social media.

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Working for a Manager or a Leader

If I had to make a choice between working for a Manager and working for a Leader, I would, first of all, consider working environment. If business is stable and the company needs mostly organizational administration, then a Manager can be preferable type of the superior. Managers are perfect in organizing people to achieve the goals. They are directing the work of their subordinates according to the plans, which are already established by someone else. Managers are great in performing routine activities, as well as supervising and controlling. Managers are usually the bosses, who appreciate strict order and discipline at work, and I suppose, this is very important for successful performance. But frequently business is dynamic and rapidly developing environment, which requires making a lot of risky decisions and looking for new directions all the time. In such situation, I think, it would be preferable to work for a Leader. Unlike the Managers, the Leaders know how to set up goals, motivate the employees for achieving these goals and initiate changes. Leaders can inspire their subordinates for personal improvement, support them, help them to find own place in the sun and to break a deadlock. Finally, the subordinates became the followers, who trust and understand their Leader and are ready to do the right thing. Therefore, working for a Leader brings more job satisfaction, favors personal development and can be a good challenge for ambitious employees. Bibliography:  ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Vikesland, G. (n.d.). Are You a Manager or a Leader? Employer-Employee. Online Information Portal. Retrieved March 9, 2007, from .

Managed care backlash Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Managed care backlash - Essay Example The notion of gatekeeping generally represents laying down the requirement of visiting healthcare specialists only after getting a referral from a primary physician. On the other hand, the practice of utilization review denotes submission of the proposed processes to the respective insurers and more importantly introduction of a potential denial for covering experimental or expensive treatments (Pinkovskiy, 2013). Though managed care enabled the insurers to reimburse the physicians as well as the hospitals in return for the functions or the procedures performed by them, the practice did not intervened treatment choices of the physicians. This eventually restricted the medical practitioners to provide effective care to the patients, as they lack in selecting best practices associated with delivering quality along with effective healthcare to the patients. Specially mentioning, there exist certain situations based on which the impacts of managed care backlash particularly on reimbursement can be witnessed. In this context, such situations were reckoned to be lowering treatment quality on behalf of medical specialists and limiting patient choices among others (Sekhri,

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Reflection paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 12

Reflection paper - Essay Example Utilitarianism also points out the idea that the good thing to do is to maximize individual ability for making the whole world a better place. Therefore, impartiality proves to be appropriate in order to maximize pleasures. Utilitarianism also eliminates the idea of moral dilemma for as long as majority is happy on a certain action, then it is absolutely the right thing to do. A â€Å"Pokerface† could mean a person who is not honest about his real emotion or feeling and hiding it may be the best option so that nobody could know about it. Pokerface was coined from an actual poker card play, by which each opponent would not want to show a real expression of their face to others so that any hint about what cards they are holding may not be detected. This paragraph depicts the idea about deception which would be made possible if the girl would be able to successfully hide her real intention of deceiving the man. Achieving it seems would what make the girl happy. Wearing pokerface based on the song would maximize the girl’s pleasure. Based on utilitarianism, from the point of view of the girl, there would be no any moral dilemma, for as long as her move maximizes her happiness. However, from the perspective of the man who has been deceived, that might not ensure maximizing his happiness. For this reason, for as long as there is no majority who got the maximum pleasure, then utilitarianism would fail to tell us what is good or bad, but what is right would always mean subjective at this point. Applying this in the general context, we know for sure that the majority always has the authority over the minority if there would be maximum happiness generated by the former. However, provided that the minority has something more important point compared to the majority, up to what extent then does the latter hold over the former? Does following the majority would still ensure

Monday, August 12, 2019

Corporates Fighting Poverty Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Corporates Fighting Poverty - Essay Example Coca-Cola Foundation is the main charitable company of Coca-Cola. The foundation receives requests from needy individuals and tries their best to respond to the requests. The company vows to give back to the society 1% of their operating income annually. According to statistics, the company injected at least $143 million to help communities worldwide. The program to help the needy will work well if there is a good relationship the society and companies that exist to make profits. The program will be for a company that manufactures food products. The solutions of the program will aim to help the individual at the bottom of the pyramid. The main aim of the program will be to provide the poor with realistic interventions that will help uplift their standards of living. The program will be sustainable because the products modification will be able to benefit the poor. The products will have nutrients that the regular products do not have to help poor families. There are certain nutrients that normal products lack but are available in other food products. Since the needy do not have the ability to access all the food products, having a product that is rich in nutrients is important. The product will be of economic importance to the company because of developing a market for the needy individuals. The product will be good for business because it will expand their market among the low-income group of individual. The program will have the ability to exploit the market to create sustainable community transformation.

Sunday, August 11, 2019

Operation management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Operation management - Essay Example At this point, it is good to elaborate some combined leadership and management activities in an operation, such as choosing a job design and work measurement. Managing people is an operation concept that is required to be established in every organization aimed at achieving competitive advantage, especially in today’s tough competition in industry. Apple Incorporated has successfully created its market share not just because of considering other important operational moves, marketing initiatives, good financial performance, but most primarily on how it handles its human resource particularly on managing people. Apple is not only good at creating innovative products for its product differentiation strategy, but also at its ability to managing or leading people, with close details on setting tasks, responsibilities, work performance, work conditions and general skills. Based on the research paper done about Apple, being good at its management function activity, the Apple Incorpo rated in its actual practice always integrates its initiatives to consider people skills and their ability to create highly innovative products. ... has given the job description especially in the product research and manufacturing department to create a significant product design that must be something new in the market. At this point, it should not be impossible for Apple to establish a promising market for smartphones and other products, as it strongly believes the potential of its human resource to formulate the finest products in its industry. This is due to the fact that the company is not only good at creating needs for its offerings; it also ensures that the job description of its human resource fits to its actual strategy of product differentiation. Now, it is, therefore, important that Apple must have substantially managed how it sets tasks for its human resource. Setting tasks requires careful implementation of systematic process of achieving immediate goals and objectives. After all, this should have high link with certain level of responsibilities. On the other hand, considering the fact that Apple wants to lead in i ts industry, implementing a high quality performance within its human resource is not just an obligation that everyone must come to realize, but an actual requirement for the company’s competitive edge. Now that everyone at Apple has specialized skills, the more the human resource will obtain a high opportunity for increase productivity, as the company continues to look forward to advance in the market by creating a need for its new innovative product offerings. Finally, setting tasks, responsibilities, work performances, work conditions and others are not just the actual activities Apple Incorporated must initiate. Another important function that it must establish under its ability to cope with change and complexities is the actual work measurement. As a company trying to lead in its

Saturday, August 10, 2019

Tesla Motors Inc. - Strategic Marketing Analysis and Marketing Essay

Tesla Motors Inc. - Strategic Marketing Analysis and Marketing Strategy - Essay Example In the end, the paper concludes the study. Developing effective marketing strategies is critical to companies. Marketing experts argue that customers are the best source of revenues for most businesses. Therefore, it is necessary to understand the customers and develop strategies aimed at making them happy. A good strategy will enable a company achieve competitive advantage in the market. This paper will discuss various marketing strategies and will assist in developing an efficient marketing strategy to enhance the success of Tesla Motors. Tesla Motors was formed in 2003 by JB Straubel, Martin Eberhard, Ian Wright, Elon Musk, and Mark Tarpenning in San Carlos, California (Karamitsios, 2013). It is an American company that deals with designing electric vehicles. From their financial results, Tesla Motors is a global enterprise and is considered to be very successful (Karamitsios, 2013). Their strategies, especially technological strategies have enabled the company gain a competitive advantage. Apart from technological strategies, the company has embraced the best global branding and market adoption. Despite their success, there is a need for further research in strategic management and marketing. The paper will assist Tesla Motors in creating an effective marketing strategy to enhance its success (Chen, 2008). Tesla Motors is a worldwide enterprise. The firm deals with the design and manufacture of electric powered vehicles. Its management is focused in innovation, and it is the only car designer that manufactures zero-emission sports car. They have the best technological strategies and currently it plans to expand its production of luxury vehicles with the use of the latest technology (Karakaya, 2011). Experts argue that Tesla Motors follows the business model of Apple Computers. They base their argument on the fact that Tesla Motors uses the strategy of selling eco-friendly products. Conversely, Tesla Motors

Friday, August 9, 2019

Domestic Violence- What Age does this start Research Paper

Domestic Violence- What Age does this start - Research Paper Example Domestic violence in women can start as early as 12 years of age (Unicef, 2011). These abuses are caused mostly by people who are close to them; that are their relatives. Women aged 12 years and older experienced about 552, 00 non-fatal violent victimization (Calatano, Smith & Snyder, 2009). However, women who are above 18 years old experience a higher rate of violence from their intimate partners. However, the rate of women victimization declines as they approach the age of 25, but it may be witnessed in years later. Domestic violence in women does not end at a specific age. Data from the National Intimate Partner and Sexual Violence Survey reveal that most female rape victims were raped before attaining the age of 25 but there are recorded cases of victimization in older years like 60 (Black et al., 2011). In men, domestic violence can be experienced when they are ten years old (Unicef, 2011). However, this cases increases when they are in their teen years. Statistics from the National Intimate Partner and Sexual Violence Survey show that male victims of rape were ten years or younger when the rape occurred (Black et al., 2011). Less domestic violence is reported for males above the age of ten years old. According to statistics by National Intimate Partner and Sexual Violence Survey, this rate decreases to almost 0% at 25 years for men above ten years. Hence, the violence approximately ends at 25, and this is according National Intimate Partner and Sexual Violence Survey (Black et al., 2011). Source: Black, M. C., Basile, K. C., Breiding, M. J., Smith, S. G., Walters, M. L., Merrick, M. T., & Stevens, M. R. (2011). National intimate partner and sexual violence survey. Atlanta, GA: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. In conclusion, women are the most affected by the issue of domestic violence and most of them experience it when they are below the age of 15 and this continues for years later while in men domestic violence is